Professor Dr. Bidhan Chandra Das



North Bengal International University
Campus: Chowddopai, Natore Road, Motihar, Rajshahi-6206, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88-02588867425 (Off.), +88-02588800707 (Res.), Mobile: +88-01312-467799, +88-01556-308987 (Whatsapp)


Strong background in Ecology especially environment related works, 33+ years ecology/environment related teaching and research experiences at University level. Worked as Link Coordinator (bilateral and multilateral partnerships), Project Director, Visiting Fellow, Research Fellow of a number of National and International Research Projects. Supervised Ph.D., M.Phil. and M.S. students. Delivered lectures on various aspects of the environment in home and abroad. Regular radio talker on environment including climate change. Skilled in editing journal, proceedings, popular magazine, etc. Author of many environment/natural resource conservation related scripts (film, stage drama, radio etc.). Discovered new species, published 89 research articles (including book chapters), 2 books and also published 70+ popular articles on biodiversity, climate change, pollution etc. mostly as sub-editorials (Bengali language) in the daily national newspaper. Organized national and international seminars, workshops and conferences. Experienced to work in diverse social/cultural/climatic environments.


Discovered 11 new animal species; supervised 12 Ph.D., 1 M.Phil & 26 M.Sc./M.S. students; established an insect museum in the Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi; introduced ‘Conservation Biology’ course at undergraduate and post-graduate levels (Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi); coordinator of  introducing a new field, ‘Taxidermy’ in Bangladesh.


1.       Post Doc (2005-2006), School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK; Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship.

2.       Ph.D. (1988), Kalyani University, India on the Himalayan insects; B.Sc. (1977) & M.Sc. (1978) in Zoology (Special Branch Ecology at M.Sc.), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.


Vice-Chancellor (from 16.07.2023)–North Bengal International University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Professor (2001-2022), Associate Professor (1996-2001), Assistant Professor (1990-1996), Lecturer (1989-1990)- Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Visiting Staff: School of the Environment, Natural Resource & Geography, University of Bangor, Wales, UK; 2008, 2010, 2011 under UK-BANGLADESH HEL Programme & DelPHE R-4 Programme.

Programme Coordinator: Proshika Manabik Unnayan Kendra (N.G.O), Dhaka, Bangladesh (1988-1989).

Junior & Senior Research Fellow: Dept. of Zoology, Kalyani University, India (1983-1987).

Lecturer: Dept. of Zoology, Kaligonj College, Satkhira (1982).


a)      Research Articles Published– 80.

b)      Book Chapter– 9.

(a+b=Foreign/International Journals/Publishers–42)

c)       Book: 2, edited book 1

d)      Sub-Editorials (Bengali language) on biodiversity, climate change, pollution, conservation etc., ‘Kalerkantha’, total articles published – 70+.


a)  Ph.D.               – 12

b)  M.Phil             – 01

c)  M.Sc./M.S.    – 26


a)      Ten aphiddine species from the Western Himalayas, India.

b)      One eriophyid species from Bangladesh.


The following two courses were introduced through the bilateral and multilateral partnership project, where I was the Lead Partner. The courses were prepared by me and reviewed by Dr. Julia Jones, School of The Environment, Natural Resource & Geography,  University of Bangor, Wales, UK:

a)      B.Sc. (Homs).: Conservation Biology, 1/3 of Zool. H.305, Dept. of Zoology, R.U.

b)      M.Sc./M.S: Conservation Biology, Full paper, Zool. M.615, Dept. of Zoology, R.U.


‘Taxidermy’ (the art of stuffing dead animals with a special material so that they look like living ones and can be displayed), a new field in Bangladesh was started in 2010 through the two following workshops organized by me.

a)      Taxidermy workshop: 8 to 25 March 2010, Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi. Resource Person: Marco Fischer (World Champion in Taxidermy 2008 and 2010), Natural History Museum, Erfurt, Germany.

b)      Taxidermy workshop: i. Opening Session, 21.12. 2010,  Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka. ii. Main Workshop, 23.12.2010 to 22.01.2011, Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi.

c)       Resource Person: Marco Fischer (World Champion in Taxidermy 2008 and 2010), Natural History Museum, Erfurt, Germany.


a)      Senator, University of Rajshahi (1997–2001)

b)      Chairman, Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi (14.05.1921–30.06.2022).

c)       Administrator, Rajshahi University Central Library (2010–2013).

d)      Inspector of Colleges, University of Rajshahi (2013–2016).


A. Foreign Funding (Bilateral and Multilateral Research Funding)

1)      Title of the Project: Quality network biodiversity: Academic education exchange on Natural Science. Partnership Project (Partner Institutions: i. Dept. of  LOEL, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. ii. Natural History Museum of Erfurt, Germany. iii. Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh). Bangladesh Coordinator. Funded by the DAAD, Germany. Project Period – 2013-2016. The funding is handling from Germany, amount 0.1 million euro (approx).

2)      Capacity building to address climate change in Bangladesh and Ghana with special reference to conservation of saline and drought tolerant species (Partner Institutions: i. School of The Environment, Natural Resource & Geography,  University of Bangor, Wales, UK. ii.Volta Basin Research Project/Department of Zoology, University of Ghana. iii. Animal and Plant Sciences, Sheffield University, UK. iv. Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. iv. Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Lead Partner; Funded by the DelPHE Project of DFID, UK (2009 -2012). Amount 90,000 pound sterling.

3)      Building capacity for conservation and management of natural resources, under the challenges of a changing climate in Bangladesh (Link between School of The Environment, Natural Resource & Geography,  University of Bangor, Wales, UK & Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (Lead Partner) UK-BANGLADESH HIGHER EDUCATION LINKS; funded by DFID (2008 – 2010). Amount 20,000 pound sterling.


B. Bangladesh Funding

1)      Life cycle and natural enemies of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi Bangladesh. Financed by the UGC of Bangladesh during 1991-1992.

2)      Integrated pest management of aphid pest on brinjal. Financed by the UGC of Bangladesh during 1994-1995.

3)      Insect Fauna of Rajshahi District, Financed by the Ministry of Science and Information & Communication  Technology, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh 2003-2004.

4)      Ecology and diversity of crop infesting aphids of Bangladesh.Financed by the UGC of  Bangladesh during 2005.

5)      (5) Conservation of insects important for rural communities with special reference to inventories in the Barind Tract, Financed by the Ministry of Science and Information & Communication  Technology, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh 2007-2008.


(List provided below abroad only)

1)      The Climate Reality Leadership Training with Al Gore, Brisbane, Australia, 2019.

2)      Sixth International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity, Erfurt, Germany, 2017.

3)      International seminar on ‘Developing international teaching and research through University cooperation projects’, Bremen University, 2016.

4)      Fifth International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity, Erfurt, Germany, 2014.

5)      Global Biodiversity Meet on Parasites and Aquatic Ecosystem Health. Allahabad, India, 2014.

6)      The Climate Reality Leadership Training with Al Gore, San Francisco), USA, 2012.

7)      Fourth International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity, Erfurt, Germany, 2011.

8)      Third International Symposium of Integrative Zoology, Beijing, China, 2009.

9)      Third International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity, Erfurt, Germany, 2008.

10)   Second International Symposium of Integrative Zoology, Beijing, China, 2007.

11)   Ninth National Symp. on recent trends in Aphidology, Banaras University., India, 2006.

12)   Second International Symposium on Himalayan Biodiversity, Erfurt, Germany, 2005.

13)   National Symposium on Aphidology, Agartala., India, 2002.

14)   Seventh National Symposium on Aphidology, Gorakhpur, U.P., India, 2000.

15)   73rd Indian Science Congress, Delhi, India, 1986.

16)   National Symp of Aphidology, Modinagar, India, 1985.

17)   Third Oriental Entomological Symp., South India, 1984.


1. Resource person

In many seminars and workshops (environment related).

2. Award/Honour

a)      International Achievement Award. 3rd South Asian Education Awards 2018. Education Expotv (EET CRS), India.

b)      Fellow of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh (from 22.12.2012).

c)       Expert Fellow: Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh 1998-99.

d)      Gold medal: Nazrul Academy, Champaful, Sathkhira, Bangladesh.


3. Editorial Works:

a)      Member, Editorial Board, Bangladesh Journal of Zoology (Since 2019).

b)      Member, Editorial Board, Rajshahi University Journal of Environmental Science, Institute of Environmental Science (2017-2018).

c)       Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Bio-Science, Institute of Biological Sciences (2016 onwards).

d)      Chief Editor, Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences (2012-2015).

e)      Member of the Editorial Board, University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University, Vol. 22, 2003.

f)       Editor of `Vijnana Sangbada', A Triannual Bengali Popular Science Magazine. Published Popular Science Association, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2000-2001).

g)      Edited `PROBAL' (Bengali Zoological Magazine), No. 10 (1993) and 11 (1994). Published by the Rajshahi University Zoological Society.

h)      Jointly Edited the Proceedings of the Eighth National Zoological Conference, 1992. Published by the Zoological Society of Bangladesh. 1-127.


4. Script Writing (Environment):

a.       Film- Living With Disaster (film for adaptation to climate change-conservation of natural resources) was shown in Germany (Erfurt Natural History Museum) for 1 month; also shown in UK and Ghana

b.      Radio (Rajshahi Betar) – War for Water (Water Pollution and Conservation), regular talker on biodiversity and environment related problems.

c.       Dance Drama – Big Bang to Big Pollution.


5. Research Expedition

a)      Western Himalayas.


a)      Life member, Indian Science Congress.

b)      Life member, Aphidological Society of India.

c)       Life member, Zoological Society of Bangladesh.

d)      Life member, Bangladesh Entomological Society.

e)      Life member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

f)       Life member, Bangla Academy.


Conservation Biology under the changing climate, Bioethics, IPM.


Research Articles (Journals)– 79 published and 1 submitted

Research Articles (Book Chapters)– 9 Published

(Foreign/International Journals/Publishers 42)

Books– 3

A.  Articles

1)      DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. (2023). Diversity of aphid parasitoids (Aphidiinae: Braconidae) in India with notes on their ecosystem services and conservation. In: Proceedings of Zoological Society (PZOS), Kolkata (Editor, Basu, P.). Special Issue, Springer Nature.

2)      DAS, B.C. 2020. Mangrove Conservation: Story of Neglected Invertebrates. QUEST 4 ACTION (UNESCO). August 9, 2020:

3)      HABIB, A. & DAS, B.C., 2020. Effect of carbolic acid and naphthalene as snake repellents (in Bengali language). Bangla Academy Half Yearly Science Journal, New Wave, 2: 16-23.

4)      RAHMAN, S. & DAS, B.C., 2019. Anthelmintic efficacy of some medicinal plants to control mange in goat in Bangladesh. Res. Agric., Livest.  Fish., 6(3): 389-396.

5)      RAHMAN, S., DAS, B.C., BAREE, M.A., RAHMAN, M.S. & NAHAR, L. 2019. Prevalence and diagnosis of mange in goats in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Livest. J., 1: 4-9.

6)      KHATUN, M.A. & DAS, B.C. 2019. Checklist of Dermaptera in Bangladesh with new records (in Bengali language). Bangla Academy Half Yearly Science Journal, New Wave, 1: 17-28.

7)      HASAN, K., DAS, B.C., PARWEEN, S. & REZA, A.M.S. 2017. Avian Diversity of the Shoipara Beel of Mohanpur Upazilla, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. J. Life & Earth Sci., 12: 21-27.

8)      ASHRAF, S.M.A., DAS, B.C. & ALI, M.S. 2014. Comparative efficacy of two newer and two conventional insecticides against Aphis craccivora (Koch) on bean plant. Rabindra Journal. 20: 181-192.

9)      AL MAMUN, M.A., DAS, B.C., MANNAN, A. & HARTMANN, M. 2014. An overview of the status of taxidermy in Bangladesh with a study of pest control of a mammal collection. Vernate, 33: 243-256.

10)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2013. Economic injury level (EIL) and economic threshold level (ETL) of Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on mustard and rai crops. Journal of Aphidology, 27: 35-44.

11)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2013. Biology of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) (Homoptera:Aphididae). Bangladesh Journal of Entomology, 22: 11-19.

12)   DAS, B.C. 2012. Biodiversity related activities in Bangladesh: The story of neglected groups. In: Conference paper (Ed. Das, B.C., title and abstract English, body Bengali language), South Asian Regional Conference on natural resource conservation in the developing countries under the changing climate. Rajshahi & Khulna University, 28-29 February & 01 March 2012.

13)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M. & DAS, B.C. 2012. Integrated pest management of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)  (Homoptera: Aphididae) on mustard  crop. Journal of Aphidology, 25 & 26: 1-12.

14)   DAS, B.C. & DIXON, A.F.G. 2011. Assessment of patch quality by aphidophagus ladybirds: laboratory study on the minimum density of aphids required for oviposition. European Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1 (1): 57-60.

15)   RAHMAN, M.M, SARKER, P.K., & DAS, B.C. 2011. Effect of planting date on the incidence of eggplant aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover and yield of eggplant. Bangladesh J. Zool. 39 (2): 187-194.

16)   RAHMAN, M.M, SARKER, P.K. & DAS, B.C. 2010. Intercropping of brinjal with three medicinal plants to suppress population of Aphis gossypii and its impact on yield. Bangladesh j. entomol., 20 (2): 49-57.

17)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2010. Feeding performance and developmental period of three coccinellid predators on mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.). Bangladesh j. entomol., 20 (1): 69-78.

18)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2009. Varietal preference of Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) on three species of Brassica. J. bio-sci., 17: 145-148.

19)   RAHMAN, M.M, SARKER, P.K., & DAS, B.C. 2009. Intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) of Aphis gossypii Glover. J. bio-sci., 17: 123-127.

20)   DAS, B.C. & Jones, J. 2009. Sundarbans conservation under the current challenges posed by a changing climate: New approach is emerging. Bangladesh Quarterly, July-September 2009, British Council.

21)        SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2009. Effect of sowing dates on the infestation of Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) and yield of ten varieties of mustard and rai crops. J. Aphidol., 23 (1 & 2): 1-10.

22)   DAS, B.C. 2009. Conserving the zoological resources of Bangladesh under a changing climate. Integrative Zoology, 4: 213-219.

23)   SARKER, P.K, BEGUM, J.A. & DAS, B.C. 2008. Functional response of   Coccinella tranversalis L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach). Entomon, 33: 267-274.

24)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2008. Intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) of Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Bangladesh j. entomol. 18: 45-54.

25)   DAS, B.C., SARKER, P.K. & RAHMAN, M.M. 2008. Aphidicidal activity of some indigenous plant extracts against bean aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Pest Science, 81: 153-159.

26)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2007. Effect of intercropping of mustard with onion and garlic on aphid population and yield., 15: 35-20.

27)   SARKER, P.K., RAHMAN, M.M.& DAS, B.C. 2007. Effect of indigenous plant extracts on brinjal aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) and on yield of brinjal crop. Journal of Aphidology, 21 (1 & 2): 67-76.

28)   DAS, B.C. 2007. Checklist and distribution of the freshwater and marine Cnidaria (Coelenterata) of Bangladesh. Calodema, 9: 15-18.

29)   HAQUE, M.M.,  ISLAM, M.M., DAS B. C. & NAHER, N & 2006. Seasonal abundance of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) infesting rose plants and effects of some pesticides on it. J.Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci., 32(1): 75-80.

30)   DAS, B.C. 2003-2005.The ecology of crop infesting aphids in Bangladesh (in Bengali language). Bangla Academy Half Yearly Science Journal, 30: 11-23.

31)   DAS, B.C. 2003. Aphid. In: Banglapedia. National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Editor: Islam, S.). 1: 232-233. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

32)   DAS, B.C. & REYNOLDS, J.W.A. 2003. Checklist and distribution of the freshwater and terrestrial Annelida (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea and Polychaeta) of Bangladesh. Megadrilogica, 9: 61-70.

33)   DAS, B.C. 2002. Ecology and diversity of agricultural crop infesting aphids     (Homoptera : Aphididae) in Bangladesh. J. Aphidol., 16: 51-57.

34)   CHAKRABARTI, S., SARKAR, S. & DAS, B.C. 2002. Aphid parasitoids  (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) from Western Himalaya. J. Aphidol., 16: 45-49.

35)   KHALEQUZZAMAN, M., GAZI, M.M.R. & DAS, B.C. 2002. Antimicrobial activities of the rhizome and leaf extracts of Zingiber casssumunar Roxb. Bangladesh j. genet. biotechnol. 3 (1 & 2): 35-40.

36)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2002. Impact of ecological factors on the morphology of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Pak. Entomol., 24(1): 1-22.

37)   HOSSAIN, M.A., GAZI, M. M. R., ZAHAN, N. & DAS, B.C. 2002. Seasonal occurrence of Sissoo plant infesting eriophyid mite, Aceria dalbergiae Channabasavanna (Acari : Eriophyidae) and toxicity of some insecticides on it. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 5(11): 1246-1248.

38)   HOSSAIN, M.A., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2002. Potential of Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki as a microbial control agent of Guava mite, Diptilomiopus guajavae. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh Sci. 28 (1): 137-40.

39)   DAS, B.C., HOSSAIN, M.A. & ISLAM, M.S. 2002. Morphology of eriophyid mite Tegolophus indica Chakrabarti & Mondal (Acari:Eriophoidea) infesting jackfruit plant and toxicity of three insecticides. Bangladesh J. Zool. 30 (1): 53-57.

40)   DAS, B.C. 2001. IPM of aphid (Homoptera : Aphididae) pest on eggplant. J. Aphidol. 15: 133-137.

41)   HAQUE, M. M., NAHER, N & DAS B. C. 2001. Variation in the amount of lipid content in different varieties of litchi leaves due to infestation of mite, Aceria litchi Channabasavanna  (Acari: Eriophyoidea)  Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi Univ. 20: 85-86.

42)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2001. Intrinsic rate of natural increase of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Pak. Entomol., 23 (1-2): 9-13.

43)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2001. Effect of insecticides on cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover. Online Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(7), 580-583.

44)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2001. Effect of insecticides on aubergine aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 33(2), 105-109.

45)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2001. Population dynamics of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Online Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(6), 492-495.

46)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 2000. Biology of the eggplant aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Annals of Entomology. 18 (1): 19-25.

47)   DAS, B.C., HOSSAIN, M.A. & ISLAM, M.S. 2000. Population density of madhabilata plant infesting eriophyid mite, Calacarus quisqualis Chakrabarti & Mondal (Acari : Eriophyidae) and toxicological evaluation of some insecticides on it. J. bio-sci. 8: 111-113.

48)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1999. Nymphal development of eggplant aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Annals of Entomology, 17 (2), 1-7.

49)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1999. Fecundity of eggplant aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Pak. Entomol., 21, 39-41.

50)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1998. Occurrence and population of colour forms in Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae). Bangladesh J. entomol., 8, 123-126.

51)   HAQUE, M.M. DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1994. Seasonal abundance of Calacarus quisqualis Chakrabarti and Mondal (Acarina : Eriophyoidea ) infesting Madhabilata (Quisqualis indica L.) at Rajshahi. University J. Zool., Rajshahi Univ., 13 : 9-14.

52)   HAQUE, M. M. DAS, B. C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1994. Population dynamics of Calacarus jasmini Chakrabarti and Mondal infesting jasmine at Rajshahi. Proc. 9th Nat. Zool. Conf. Bangladesh.: 73-76.

53)   KARIM, K.N.S., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1994. Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) population on egg plant, Solanum melongena L. at Rajshahi. Proc. 9th Nat. Zool. Conf., Bangladesh: 55-59.

54)   DAS, B.C. 1996. Awful dustfall in the Barind. Ecofile., 1 : 18.

55)   HAQUE, M.M., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. 1996. Seasonal abundance of Diptilomiopus guajavae Mohanasundaram (Acari: Eriophyoidea) infesting guava at Rajshahi Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ., 14 & 15: 1-6.

56)   HAQUE, M.M., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN,.M.1997. Biological notes on the Guava Mite, Diptilomiopus guajava Mohanasundaram (Acari : Eriophyoidea) J. Asiat  Soc. Bangladesh, Sci , 23 : 129-133.

57)   HAQUE, M.M., DAS, B.C. &  KHALEQUZZAMAN,  M. 1997.  Population dynamics of Cosella purpureusi Haque & Das (Acari : Eriophyoidea) infesting bean plant at Rajshahi. Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ., 16 : 29-33.

58)   HAQUE, M.M., DAS, B.C. & KHALEQUZZAMAN,.M 1997. Some  biological aspects on bean mite Cosella purpureusi Haque & Das (Acari : Eriophyoidea). J. Bio. Sci. Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. 5 : 201-206

59)   ASHRAF, S.M.A. & DAS, B.C. 1998. Larval morphology of Coccinella transversalis (F.) (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) feeding on mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysismi (Kalt.) (Homoptera : Aphididae). Bangladesh J. Zool., 26 : 51-55.

60)   HAQUE, M.M., DAS, B.C., KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1998. Eriophyid mites (Acari : Eriophyoidea)  from Bangladesh. Oriental Insects. 32: 35-40.

61)   DAS, B.C. & BISWAS, P.C. 1991-1992. Fecundity of Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette) (Homoptera : Aphidiidae). Univ. J. Zool., Rajshahi Univ., 10 & 11 : 107-108.

62)   DAS, B.C. & BISWAS, P.C. 1992. Impact of seasonal trends in temperature on the morphology of Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette) (Homoptera : Aphididae). Proc. Eighth Nat. Zool. Conference, Bangladesh : 68-75.

63)   DAS, B.C., KHALEQUZZAMAN,  M.  &  ASHRAF,  S. M. A. 1992. Larval development of Coccinella transversalis Fabricius (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) feeding on bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera : Aphididae). Proc. Eighth Nat. Zool. Conference, Bangladesh : 31-36.

64)   BISWAS, P.C., KARIM, K.N.S., SAHA. M.K. & DAS, B.C. 1993. The  effect of temperature, relative humidity and dewpoint on the longevity of Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette) (Homoptera : Aphididae) infesting chrysanthemum plant at Rajshahi. Univ. J. Zool., Rajshahi University, 12 : 109-110.

65)   SARKAR, S.C., SALAM, M.A., BISWAS, P.C. & DAS, B.C. 1993. The roles of field temperature and relative humidity in affecting the fecundity and longevity of the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)(Homoptera : Aphididae) at Rajshahi. Univ. J. Zool., Rajshahi University, 12 : 39-44.

66)   ASHRAF, S.M.A., BISWAS, P.C. & DAS, B.C. 1994. Effect of temperature and humidity on the larval development of Coccinella transversalis (Fabricius) (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae). Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ., 13 : 65-68.

67)   BISWAS, P.C. &  DAS, B.C. 1994.The roles of different environmental factors on the pre-reproductive and reproductive periods of the chrysanthemum aphid, Macrosiphoniella sanborni. Proc. 9th Nat. Zool. Conf. Bangladesh : 83-85.

68)   BISWAS, P.C., HAQUE, M.M. & DAS B.C. 1994. The effect of temperature on Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette) (Homoptera : Aphididae) nymphs. Bangladesh J. Zoology, 22 : 191-196.

69)   DAS, B. C. 1994. Aphids (Aphididae : Homoptera) and their natural enemies in Bangladesh. Environment & Ecology, 12 : 795-801.

70)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1991. Two new Cristicaudus (Hymenoptera :Aphidiidae) as parasites of aphids in Garhwal range of Western Himalaya, India. Entomon, 16 : 305-309.

71)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1991. Aphidiid (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae)  fauna of Garhwal, Western Himalaya. J. Bombay Nat. Histor Soc., 88 : 409-413.

72)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1990. Role of environmental factors on the abundance of Aphidius matricariae Haliday (Hymenoptera :Aphidiidae) -an aphidiid parasitoid in Garhwal range of Western Himalaya. In: Proc. of Impacts of Environment on Animal and Aquaculture (Editor Prof G.K. Manna): 277-281.

73)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1990. New and little known aphidiid parasitoids (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae) of gall forming aphids in Western Himalaya, with notes on their seasonal history. Oriental Insects, 24 : 399-414.

74)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1989. Praon himalayaensis, a new walnut aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae) in Garhwal range of western  Himalaya. Entomon, 14 : 345-347.

75)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1989. Two new aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera  Aphidiidae) from Garhwal range of western Himalaya, India. Entomon, 14 : 339-343.

76)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1989. Aphidiid  parasitoids  (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae) of graminaceous aphids in Garhwal,Western Himalaya. Oriental Insects, 23: 365-372.

77)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1988. Sex ratio of Kashmiria aphidis Stary & Bhagat  (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae) in the  field. Ann. Entomol., 6 : 63-66.

78)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1988.  Seasonal occurrence  of Aphidius matricariae Haliday (Aphidiidae : Hymenoptera) in Garhwal range of north west Himalaya. Indian Journal of Entomology, 50 : 388-389.

79)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1988. Immature stages of Kashmiria aphidis (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovakia, 85 : 16-20.

80)   DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1985. The effect of seasonal trends in temperature on the intrinsic rate of increase of Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette). Univ. J. Zool. Rajshahi Univ., 4: 31-36.


B.  Book Chapter

1.       DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 2023. Aphidiinae Parasitoids (Braconidae: Hymenoptera). In: Parasitoids in Pest Management (Editor Omkar). Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, CRC Press, Boca Raton and London. 73-110.

2.       DAS, B.C. 2021. Non-arthropod invertebrate diversity in the Garhwal range of the Indian Himalayas. In: Hartmann, M.,  Barclay, M. & Weipert, J.: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VII. – Erfurt, Germany: 157–174.

3.       DAS, B.C. & CHAKRABARTI, S. 2018. Diversity and distribution of hyperparasitoids of Aphidiinae (Insecta: Braconidae: Hymenoptera) in the Garhwal Himalayas. In: Hartman, M., Barclay, M. & Weipert, J.  (Hrsg.): Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya V.- Verein der Freunde & Foerderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. VI., Erfurt, Germany: 565-570.

4.       DAS, B.C. 2015. Diversity and distribution of non-insect arthropods of the Himalayan State of India, Uttarakhand with special reference to their conservation status. In: HARTMAN, M. & J. WEIPERT (Hrsg.): Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya V.- Verein der Freunde & Foerderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. V., Erfurt, Germany: 155-160.

5.       DAS, B.C. 2013. Invertebrates and their ecosystem services in Bangladesh Sundarban. In: Reza Khan (editor), Sundarban: Rediscovering Sundarban, The Mangrove Beauty of Bangladesh. Nymphea Publication, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 106-124.

6.       DAS, B.C. 2012. Ecosystem services and conservation value of Himalayan insects with special reference to Uttarakhand under the influence of changing climate.  In: HARTMAN, M. & J. WEIPERT (Hrsg.): Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya IV.- Verein der Freunde & Foerderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. V., Erfurt, Germany: 121-128.

7.       CHOUDHURY, J.K., AHMAD, I.U., KHAN, A.N., KUNDU, S.K., DAS, B.C. & RASHID, S.M.A. 2011. Indicators to assess impacts on forest flora and fauna. In: Protocol for monitoring of impacts of climate change and climate variability in Bangladesh (Nishat, A., Ed), IUCN Bangladesh: Chapter 7: 83-104

8.       DAS, B.C. 2009. The influence of some ecological factors on the abundance and distribution of aphidiine fauna of the Garhwal Himalayas (Insecta:Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae). In: Hartmann & Weipert: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya III - Biodiversity and Natural Heritage of the Himalaya III. Erfurt, Germany: 425-439.

9.       DAS, B.C & CHAKRABARTI, S. 1986. Mating and oviposition of Kashmiria aphidis (Aphidiidae: Hymenoptera). In: Proc. 2nd Nat. Symp. Recent Trends in Aphidological studies, Modinagar, India (Editor S.P. Kurl): 103-117.


C.  Books

1.       DAS, B.C.  2023. Bioethics: Theory, History and Application (in Bengali language). Kathaprakash, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2.       DAS, B.C. 2021. Isaac Newton (in Bengali language). Kathaprakash, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

3.       DAS, B.C. 2004 (Editor).  Duḥkhēra timirē jbalē (in Bengali language). Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigoshthi, Rajshahi University Branch.