Kanij Fatema Kanon

Faculty Member

Associate Professor & Head

Department of Sociology
Contact: 01705-015200, kanonkanij@gmail.com

 Academic Background

M. Phil in Sociology: University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), 2009.

MSS in Sociology: University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), 2000 (held   in 2002)

Result:  First class 1st out of 100 students, marks obtained: 62.6%.

BSS in Sociology: University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), 1999 (held in 2001)

Result: Second class 3rd out of 100 students, marks obtained: 58.4%.

H.S.C (equivalent to ‘A’ level): Rajshahi College (Bangladesh), 1996.

Result: 13th position out of 150,000 students (approximately), marks obtained: 77.1%

S.S.C (equivalent to ‘O’ level): Govt. P.N. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi (Bangladesh) 1994.

Result: 6th position out of 170,000 students (approximately), marks obtained: 82.7%

Training Experience

 Research Initiatives Bangladesh (RIB) , Dhaka.

Teaching Area

 Poverty, Women Empowerment,Crime, Research, Child Labour.


a) Journal:

1. “গ্রামীণ নারীর জীবন-জীবিকা-ক্ষমতায়ন: একটি গ্রামভিত্তিক সমীক্ষা, আইবিএস জার্নাল ISSN 1561-798X, vol.1412:13, c„ôv b:-145-158, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2006.

2. “Poverty Alleviation Strategies of the  Rural Women in Bangladesh: A Study of  Two Selected Villages in Naogaon District”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064, ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28| SJIF (2018):7.426; Vol. 8 Issue 10, October 2019, India. www.ijsr.net,  Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY, Paper ID: ART20202221 10.21275/ART20202221, 2019.

b) Article:

আত্মজীবনীমূলক প্রবন্ধ: অনুভব স্পর্শে শৈশব সুখ, আমার শৈশব; সংস্কৃতি চর্চা কেন্দ্র, নর্থ বেঙ্গল ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি, সতীর্থ প্রকাশনা, মার্চ ২০১৯।


[1] “Rural Women’s Poverty Alleviation Strategy and the Barriers in the Implementation: A study of Two Selected Villages in Naogaon District.” – a thesis s+6ubmitted to the Department of Sociology, University of Rajshahi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Phil in Sociology, 2009.

[2]  Role of Rural Women in Poverty Alleviation”- a research project sponsored by the Research Initiatives  Bangladesh (RIB), Dhaka, 2005.

[3]“Impact of Micro-credit on Women Empowerment and Self-sufficiency : Sociological  Study of a Selected Village in Naogaon District” – a thesis submitted to the Department of Sociology, University of Rajshahi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.S.S in Sociology, 2002.

Award & Scholarship

[1]    Award from the Vice Chancellor of University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh) for first class 1st position in the M.S.S examination. (November 2009)

[2]    Award from the Prime Minister of the Govt. of Bangladesh for performance in the S.S.C  & H.S.C Examination (1994 & 1996)

[3]    Managing Director Gold Medal award from Sonali Bank (Bangladesh) for outstanding results in both S.S.C and H.S.C Examination (1994 and 1996)

[4]    Dutch Bangla Bank Limited Fellowship for M.Phil. (July 2003- June 2005)

[5]    University of Rajshahi Scholarship for B.S.S (Hons.). (1997-1999)

[6]    Rajshahi Education Board Scholarship for 13th position in H.S.C. (1996-1999)

[7]    Rajshahi Education Board Scholarship for 6th position in S.S.C. (1994-1996)

[8]    Junior School Scholarship (1991) & Primary School Scholarship (1988)

Previous Employment

Lecturer, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Asian University of Bangladesh, (2007-2011), Rajshahi.