Md. Ariful Islam

Faculty Member


Department of Sociology
Contact: 01746-069199,

Academic Background

Masters: M.S.S, Sociology, University of Rajshahi, CGPA-3.64 (non thesis 1st position)

Bachelor’s: B.S.S, Sociology, University of Rajshahi, CGPA-3.46 (3rd position)

Training Experience

Participated & member in Sishu Niketon at the location of Rajshahi University Railway station in 2016 to 2018, participated in Debating Club& member of Cultural activities in reciting ‘SWANAN’ at University of Rajshahi in 2015 to 2018, participated as a Research project in The Climate change, Tigers attacking on Human living at the location of South-Western Sundorbans in Sathkhira District, Khulna Division in 2019.  Computer training on MS Office, Excel, Word, Database programming, Internet Browsing.

Teaching Area

1. Modern Social Thought ,

2. Tribal Culture in Bangladesh

3. Hum-Government and Sociology

4. Cultural Anthropology

5. Entrepreneurship Development and Career Education

6. Sociology of Organization


1. Poverty reduction & Women Empowerment,

2. Climate Change & tiger`s attacking on living South-Western area at Sundorban.

Award & Scholarship

1. Department result meritious achievement in B.S.S & M.S.S Examination 2017 & 2018 by Sociology department.

2. Attained First Security Islami Bank Scholarship for obtaining H.S.C result & honours B.S.S  in Sociology

3. Attained AkiJ Group Scholarship for obtaining B.S.S 1st, 2nd & 3rd year Honours result.

4. Achieve Scholarship Grameen Bank for obtaining GPA-5 in S.S.C Examination from Grameen Bank.

5. Obtained Kriti Shikkharthi Songhbordhona -2011 & 2013 S.S.C & H.S.C both GPA-5 Award for good Result in Bagmara-4, Mp ( Rajshahi).

6. Gained Award from U.C.C admission Coaching for University admission (RU 2013-14, A-unit, Bangla-Written Examination position 1st).


1. Member of Abritti Songhoton SWANAN at University of Rajshahi.

2. Member of Sishu Niketon at Rajshahi University Railway station.